Making Waves with Natasha Sherling in The Gloss Magazine

This post appeared in The Gloss Magazine, written by it's Jewellery specialist Natasha Sherling. 

Many of our favourite jewellery makers are INSPIRED BY THE SEA but none make jewellery quite like MARTINA HAMILTON, whose new collection has captured the eye of NATASHA SHERLING …

The sea is such a huge source of inspiration for Irish jewellery designers – no wonder, as an island nation, really. Its colours, animals, textures and tones continue to be translated into wearable works of beauty. One designer who does it so well is Martina Hamilton, brilliant goldsmith and owner of beautiful Sligo boutique The Cat & The Moon.

Her inspiration comes from the broken shells she finds on walks in her home county – simple shards left on the shore, ravaged by the waves of the Atlantic. Hamilton told us that she loves the “randomness of form” found in nature, and still “finds a spark turning over shells on the beach”.

Her newest collection, called ‘Shore’, has launched in the last week, featuring necklaces and earrings inspired by recent finds on Streedagh Beach in North Sligo. We personally love how their fanned-out shape invokes an almost Asian influence; the  earrings are particularly elegant and would be as beautiful for evening as during the day. Some feature pearls, like tiny precious molluscs still clinging on long after the sea has retreated.

Luckily Hamilton’s work isn’t confined to the west – her jewellery is available online and nationwide; see here for a full list of stockists.

- Natasha Sherling

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